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Benefits of belonging to a PA network

How would being a member of a professional network benefit you, your role, your department and the institution for whom you work?

I didn't have an answer, until I became a member of The PA Hub and my whole outlook on my profession changed.

If you've met me in person, you probably wouldn't believe that one of my teachers at secondary school thought I was mute, but it's true. I'd never been one to put myself in the forefront or stand out in a crowd and I always felt that I wasn't clever enough, nor somehow not good enough to have my thoughts and opinions listened to. I was a very self critical and unconfident person who would never dream of thinking I had something to say or contribute. I saw myself as a cog in the overall wheel, but I wasn't ever going to be known as anything but an also ran.

Then I had the opportunity to meet Marion Lowrence when she came to speak to the Corporate Management Team PA's about a professional network she was creating in the Leeds area. I went along to the launch event as my interest had been peaked and my life, and that of my fellow PA Hub members, changed forever.

Suddenly here was someone standing up in front of us all saying that it was okay to be proud of the role we were in, that we weren't "just" a secretary but business partners to our Directors and our insights mattered. That first evening at The PA Hub I finally met peers who understood that the career I had chosen was more than just a job, it was a profession. Nearly four years on, this is just a very small insight into what I feel I have gained:

Increased personal confidence and self-belief

I stopped seeing myself as "just" and started seeing myself as "me". I'm okay actually and I have valuable skills which are of great benefit to others. Being a member of the PA Hub has improved my interpersonal skills and given me the self-confidence to contribute positively to discussions and offer solutions to problems where I feel myself or my team might be able to contribute.

Through the PA Hub I have found my voice.

Allowing myself to be inspired, and acting upon it

I am always learning something new or a different way to do something. The professionals I meet networking have a vast amount of knowledge with regards to the profession and I am able to discuss the various challenges of the role and bounce ideas off of colleagues who truly understand the challenges.

Having the opportunity to listen to inspirational speakers and subject matter experts has allowed me to build upon my own personal skills base and stay up to date on the latest information and trends within the profession, enabling me to take new ideas back to the office, research the latest must have apps, new technologies and software which help me do my job in a more streamlined way.

The impact has been that departmental productivity has increased due to the implementation of several administrative and secretarial processes of which I had no knowledge prior to becoming a member of the PA Hub. This has enabled the team to be more focused on their actions and tasks and has allowed us all to focus on the truly important issues, rather than having to wade through emails of little relevance to day to day activities, current or future projects. Be a connector, mentor and enthusiastic motivator

I have gained the confidence to speak out and share my knowledge. You would never have found me at the front of a classroom, rather at the back, trying to make myself as small as possible and hoping that no one asked me to answer a question.

No more; now is my time to stand up and encourage others to find their voice

In both my professional and personal life, I am now able to stand at the front of a room and share my learning which in turn encourages others to undertake their own personal active learning, using their initiative and exploring new ideas; seeing in themselves what they can personally bring to the team, increasing their own personal self-confidence and allowing them to stretch themselves by learning new skills.

I encourage each and every one of you reading this blog to move yourself out of your own way, find the time to spend networking with colleagues - it's only a couple of hours a month - and I promise it will change your life.

I'll leave you with this question...

What difference do you think you could make to your role if you were to join your local professional network?



Today you are YOU

That is TRUER than true

There is NO ONE alive
who is YOUER than you!

~ Dr. Seuss


I am what I am and that appears to be working for me so far.


If you believe in yourself anything is possible.

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