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Executive Secretary Live

"Surround yourself with people who get it"

This is exactly what I will be doing when I join 150 peers from 20 different countries at Executive Secretary Live for it's fifth birthday conference to be held in London on the 31st March and 1st April 2017 to be trained by 14 world class speakers.

I am often asked what an Executive Secretary Live conference is like and all I can simply say is "it's life changing". You may think that a conference couldn't possibly be, but it is. On the first day of Executive Secretary LIVE, I learnt more from my peers and the fantastic line-up of subject matter experts who were presenting than I had from several courses over the previous three years.

Executive Secretary LIVE opened the door for me to be able to provide that real Executive Assistance support relationship that we are all looking for with our Executives as I learnt how to manage projects, think strategically, write reports on my Executive’s behalf, represent them at high-level meetings etc. when they were unavailable and truly be that right hand, go-to person. If there is only one conference you are able to attend, make it this one. You will go away with a plethora of skills and tips from those who you’ve networked with which you can implement immediately and make dramatic changes to how you work and support your executives. Each time I have attended I have met truly amazing people from all over the world who are focused on their own personal development and being the very best that they can be. There is nothing more inspirational than that and it really does make you think about how you can raise your own game to meet the bar which has been set high, very high.

I am honoured to have been, and to continue to be, a part of this network of inspirational administrative professionals, friends, peers and thought leaders.

There is still time to book here I look forward to seeing you there.



Today you are YOU

That is TRUER than true

There is NO ONE alive
who is YOUER than you!

~ Dr. Seuss


I am what I am and that appears to be working for me so far.


If you believe in yourself anything is possible.

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